Weather Notice

For February 21, 2025: In-person classes will resume, but students have permission to attend classes on zoom if unable to attend in person. Students will not be counted absent if attending virtually.

For staff, emergency/essential personnel only.

More information

Cost of Attendance

Tuition is guaranteed to remain at the same level for the first year of your attendance at ASL. Your tuition will adjust accordingly each year thereafter if there is a higher tuition cost implemented or if a disruption in your enrollment changes or you drop from full-time to part-time status.

Appalachian School of Law creates a student budget (also known as “cost of attendance”) for each academic year. The student budget consists of direct costs (i.e., tuition and fees) and indirect costs (i.e., housing, food, transportation, and personal).  Allowances are provided to assist in meeting educational costs and are not intended to cover individual expenses which vary greatly depending upon personal lifestyle.

ASL realizes that law school is an investment, so we try to help minimize the effects of over borrowing the best we can by offering financial advice.  For a personal financial review, please request an appointment by emailing

Estimated Cost of Attendance for First Year Students, 2024 -2025:

Tuition: $41,000
Housing: $18,400
Food: $8,000
Personal: $5,600
Books and Supplies $5,000
Transportation $4,800
Estimated Total Cost of Attendance for Fall/Spring: $82,800

Cost of Attendance for First Year Students, 2022 -2023:

Tuition: $41,000
Room and Board: $15,000
Books and Supplies $2,600
Personal/Misc: $2,800
Transportation $3,400
Estimated Total Cost of Attendance for Fall/Spring: $64,800

****Amount of Loan Origination Fees are determined by amount of student loans used to cover your Cost of Attendance

Federal regulations dictate that the student COA cover only expenses incurred during enrollment periods and include only education-related expenses. Items that regulations exclude from the COA are:

• car lease or purchase
• car repair
• car insurance
• moving expenses
• expenses incurred outside of the student’s actual period of enrollment
• financial support of a spouse or partner
• interview and/or professional wardrobe
• consumer credit- card debt

In special circumstances, students may be permitted to receive an increase in their COA. Please visit the Financial Aid Office or click here for additional information.

Tuition and fees for each semester are due no later than the first day of classes. Students who will not pay their tuition and fees in full by the due date must have finalized satisfactory arrangements to receive financial aid.