Weather Notice

For February 21, 2025: In-person classes will resume, but students have permission to attend classes on zoom if unable to attend in person. Students will not be counted absent if attending virtually.

For staff, emergency/essential personnel only.

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The Appalachian School of Law Library offers students, faculty, staff, the bench and bar, and the general public access to over 241,000 volumes of legal materials. It maintains access to a core collection of federal and regional reporters, some federal and state codes, historical legal materials, treatises on many legal topics, and several different finding aids. The library also subscribes to several online databases. Anyone may find out if the library owns material by accessing our online catalog.

During the academic year, the library is generally open to the public Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm. It is not open to the public on Saturdays or Sundays or holidays. Changes to our schedule are posted on the entrance doors. The library has longer hours for members of the ASL community. Please note that our librarians cannot answer legal questions, nor can they do research for the public.

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Please keep noise to a minimum while in the library.

Tobacco use, including cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, is not allowed in the library or at the entrances. The designated smoking area on campus is adjacent to the Booth Center. 

Fines will be charged for late or damaged materials.

If you have suggestions as to how we can improve our Library services, please:

  • Tell a library staff member.
  • Leave a comment in our Library Suggestion Box, which is located in the upstairs copy area.
  • Send us an email with your comments.


Appalachian School of Law Library
1221 Edgewater Drive
Grundy, VA 24614

If you get lost driving to the library, call our main phone number at (276) 935-4349, ext. 1308 or the library directly at (276) 935-6688.


Phone: (276) 244-1308

The ASL library has 24,780 net square feet of space, with room for a later expansion. Group study rooms have displays in the room and a white board (remote controls, extra cords, markers, and erasers are available at the Circulation Desk). The library’s Seminar Room is available for formal and informal classes.

The Circulation & Reserve Area, located on the first floor, is usually the first place for our patrons to ask questions. Some items in the library may be checked out to members of the ASL community (public patrons do not have borrowing privileges), and can easily be processed by bringing the books and a valid ASL ID to the Circulation Desk. The Reserve Area holds course reserve materials, audiovisual materials, and popular study aids.

There are four self-service photocopiers throughout the library; two upstairs and two downstairs. Public patrons can set up a WEPA printing account before visiting the library, or when they arrive on campus. Prices are posted on the machine displays.

The ASL Library offers general reference services to all library patrons. During the school year, the librarians are usually available in their offices Monday throughFriday from 8 am until 4 pm. Please note that our librarians cannot answer legal questions for the public (which includes prisoner requests).

The library offers additional services to members of the ASL community, such as Interlibrary Loan, access to certain electronic databases such as LexisNexis and Westlaw, and a number of publications. 


Phone: (276) 244-1308

Appalachian School of Law Library
1221 Edgewater Drive
Grundy, VA 24614

Online Catalog
Interlibrary Loan Request Form