Weather Notice

For February 21, 2025: In-person classes will resume, but students have permission to attend classes on zoom if unable to attend in person. Students will not be counted absent if attending virtually.

For staff, emergency/essential personnel only.

More information

Access to many of these sources may be limited to ASL faculty, staff, and students while on campus. If you have questions, please ask at our Reference Desk for assistance.

CALI Supplemental legal instruction in over 25 subjects. For the authorization code, ask at the Reference Desk.
CQ Press Electronic Library Congressional information from Congressional Quarterly (CQ Press). Provides access to older editions of Supreme Court Yearbook. Must use a computer on campus.
FirstSearch Find books and articles from other libraries. Must use a computer on campus.
Google Scholar A search engine for scholarly articles and court cases that is accessible to all. If searching while logged into an ASL email account, search results will provide links to pdfs available on HeinOnline.
GovInfo Important governmental information from the Government Publishing Office’s Federal Digital System (it used to be called “FDSys” and “GPO Access” before that). Note that the federal government requires all federal depository libraries to provide access to “core U.S. Government resources,” which we have in print or via this link.
HeinOnline Full-text access to many older law review articles, legal classics, federal administrative materials, and international materials. If off-campus, log in with your network username (without “”) and password.
Justia Supreme Court Provides full opinions for all US Supreme Court cases. Other links from Justia include Regulation Tracker for federal regulations and US Laws, which includes federal and state codes.
Legal Scholarship Network Part of the Social Science Research Network. Offers articles, abstracts, and job listings in various fields. Browse articles or search for particular legal topics.
Lexis Digital Library Online database with reader that provides access to hundreds of study aids and casebooks. Log in with your network username and password.
LexisNexis The online version of LexisNexis. Only accessible to ASL faculty, staff, and students. Click to see Lexis information (including training) at ASL.
Literature Resource Center Analysis and criticism for over 130,000 authors and works. Must use a computer on campus.
LLMC-Digital Electronic access to thousands of legal research sources on microfiche. If off-campus, log in with your network username (without “”) and password.
MEDLINEplus Free online access to medical resources.
NetLibrary from EBSCOHost Access to over 13,000 electronic books. Search by author, title, or keyword; you can also browse a list of NetLibrary books using our online catalog. Must use a computer on campus to create username and password, which can then be used on or off campus.
ProQuest Congressional Useful for searching for legislative information. Also provides access to the US Serial Set, a collection of thousands of legislative reports.Click here for off-campus use of ProQuest Congressional; log in with your network username (without “”) and password.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Access citations to over 2.7 million dissertations and theses, with full-text access to about 1.2 million documents. Must use a computer on campus.
United Nations Treaty Collection Updated treaties filed with the United Nations.
VersusLaw Online legal statutes and cases. Register here for access.
West Academic Study Aids Online access to dozens of legal study guides. Must use a computer on campus to create username and password, which can then be used on or off campus.
Westlaw The online version of Westlaw. May only be accessed by faculty, staff, and students.


VIVA Resources

The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) provides the ASL community with access to many non-legal resources. Most of these are available on campus only.

EBSCOhost Over 25 general databases with some full-text articles (which includes some foreign language material).
Must use a computer on campus.
Factiva Business news from Dow Jones and Reuters.
Must use a computer on campus.
FirstSearch Find books and articles from other libraries.
Must use a computer on campus.
Mergent Online Information on over 25,000 public companies, including annual reports, financial statements, and lists of officers and directors. (In 2014, Mergent Online merged with Mergent Horizon.)
Must use a computer on campus.
Oxford English Dictionary Search the Oxford English Dictionary.
VIVA The Virtual Library of Virginia Access to many non-legal databases. Databases include Factiva and OED.
Must use a computer on campus.


All logos are protected by copyright by their respective companies. Use of logos is for informational purposes and recognition only.


Phone: (276) 244-1308

Appalachian School of Law Library
1221 Edgewater Drive
Grundy, VA 24614

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