For February 21, 2025: In-person classes will resume, but students have permission to attend classes on zoom if unable to attend in person. Students will not be counted absent if attending virtually.
For staff, emergency/essential personnel only.
Our local CASA chapter has a great relationship with our students at Appalachian School of Law. Thursday, April 25, two of our students were presented with awards for their dedication and love for the children of our area during CASA’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet.
The 2023-2024 CASA Volunteer of the Year award was presented to ASL 3L, Olivia Schear. She joined CASA in February 2022 and has devoted a total of 208 hours to her case of two children, 138 hours just in the past year (April 2023-April 2024). It has been a difficult and challenging case, but Olivia is a constant positive presence for her kiddos and truly a voice for their present and future.
Lindsey Lowe, an ASL 2L, was presented with the spirit of Tammy Tiller award for her 2023-2024 service. Tammy Tiller was a nearly 10-year CASA Volunteer having served 29 children during that time. She passed away in 2013 and left such an impact on the CASA Program that we created an award in her honor. It has been awarded sporadically in 2013, 2019 and now 2024. Lindsey Lowe joined CASA in February 2022 prior to starting law school that Fall. She is a loving mother to 5 children, a valued employee and involved community member of Russell County. She has dedicated 180 case hours and 55 non-case hours to date serving 5 children to permanency and assisting the program in training, fundraising and the buddy system with other CASA Volunteers.
Since last April, CASA served 64 children, providing 1,155 volunteer hours of advocacy through casework and 400 administrative and fundraising volunteer hours supporting the program.